Our Materials:
Click on a heading to see pictures and detailed information.

Scripture Memory

These materials have been used of God to help many people in their personal lives, families, and ministries. You can gain victory over worry and evil thoughts and increase the effectiveness of your witness for Christ.  

Gospel Book     Fellowship With God (available in English and Spanish)

This colorful 32-page booklet has Scripture and diagrams that explain how you can have your sins forgiven and enjoy fellowship with God now and throughout eternity.   Click the title to view or read it now. You may read Fellowship With God online or request a free copy.


A Handbook on Health is a 128-page book by Ron Hood that teaches natural ways to lose weight, lower blood pressure, and increase energy without pain, pills, physicians, or prescriptions.  This book is written from a Biblical perspective and is based on research from twenty-nine other sources.

Bible Correspondence Course

Family life 

Bible on cassette tape -- 

We offer the Bible on cassette tape (KJV), read by Alexander Scourby.  You may order the New Testament or the Old Testament.

Dramatized Bible Stories -- 

These thirty-minute stories on cassette tape are suitable for all ages.  They are produced by professional actors and are rich with sound effects.

You can order most of these materials at our online store.  If you prefer to place an order by phone or mail, please see the bottom of this page for that information.

You may read testimonies of how these materials have helped others on our testimonies page.  

For a free brochure of our materials, send a message to  information@ronhood.org.  You may also call or write to us:

Spiritual Success Institute                        (864) 271-3434
210 N. Beacon St.
Greenville, SC  29609-3403

You may read or request a free copy of Fellowship With God.  Click the title to view or read this 32-page booklet.